Peace & Sleep

Scripture Reading - Psalms 4:8 KJV

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.

In today’s lesson we will talk about the influence of “Peace” upon our “Sleep”. We (ihlcc) think it goes without saying that being in “peace” is the ideal position to be in, not just any “peace of mind” but rather the “Peace of God that passes all understanding”.-Philippians 4:7 Yes, in the world there are many enemies to your “peace”. Anger, frustration and worry operate against “God’s Peace” just to name a few. When we are careful about the things going on around us in the world we take that care to heart. This causes all sorts of problems with your physical body and your emotions and even your mental well-being. For these reasons and many more we must follow the advice of Proverbs 4:20-24 KJV which states: “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.” We can understand from God’s Word that “peace” is in the Word of God and “no peace” is in the words or thoughts of the evil one. Yes, we noticed that God’s Word is Life but you have to find it. It just doesn’t come to you without an effort on your part. You must be wise enough to know that you need God and smart enough to take heed to God’s Word for the all-powerful Word of God to work for you and through you. Yes, when it comes to “sleep” or shall we say “good sleep” a prerequisite is “peace”. We seek “peace” in our heart and mind to get ready for bed and then when we have achieved the “Peace of God” in our heart then God’s manifestation of “sleep” can easily flow upon us (sleep can prevail). We must remember with “sleep” that it is God’s Will for us to have “His sleep” and concerning “God’s Sleep” we are not talking about an OK “sleep” the night before but rather a good night’s “sleep” where you feel fully rested the next morning. This is so you can wake-up with a smile on your face to start the day off right by walking in the fruit of the spirit. Of course one of the fruits of the spirit is “peace” and another one is joy both of these can be obtained in the presence of God. For wherever we are God is but just being there isn’t enough we must speak forth the Word of God to experience the presence of God that the words your speaking describes. Yes, we (ihlcc) are saying if you need joy, sing and say God’s Word concerning joy. Let the sad say, “I am happy!” If you don’t feel well please don’t say how you feel but rather say, “I thank you Father I am healed and blessed in Christ Jesus, my Savoir.” If sadness tries to darken your door please confess, “The joy of the Lord is my strength, so I will praise the Lord all day long.” Yes, we know it isn’t easy to speak contrary to your feelings but it is biblical because we walk by faith and not by what we feel (or see). The natural realm may show us a picture of lack but please understand you are always rich in Christ Jesus. Yes, always before bedtime “seek peace” and pursue it diligently because you are not ready for bed unless “God’s peace” is all in your bed. Sometimes we lay down in hope thinking if I can just lay here long enough I will eventually go to sleep. This type of thinking is causing a great deal of problems in the world today because the purpose of going to bed is not just to “sleep” part of the night or be still but rather we purpose to have “sweet sleep” without (void of) fear and anxiety according to Proverbs 3:24 KJV which states, “When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy “sleep” shall be sweet.” This isn’t in your Holy Bible for God’s sake for He never slumbers or “sleeps” but it is specifically placed in your Holy Bible for your sake and for the betterment of all mankind. No doubt about it God wants you to “sleep well” every night being completely free from frustration, worry and fear. The Good Lord created “sleep” so we can easily believe “sleep” is God’s Will for our life and the lives of all our family members. Yes, we (ihlcc) conclude that both mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers all benefit when the new born babe stops waking up in the middle of the night. Why, is it such blessing to “sleep” all through the night? The simple answer is because that is God’s Good will for you and me. God ordained for everybody to take a time of rest each day at a certain hour and those hours are necessary for the body to function properly so we should cooperate with God by putting His “Word of Peace” in our heart and mouth every day and all day to keep “peace” present upon us. If we are mature enough we can “keep peace” with us all during the day so we don’t have to do any extra preparation before bed. However, we know not everyone operates in “God’s Peace” all day long, so be sure you get your proper portion of “The Peace of God” before you lay down to “sleep” and the beautiful thing about getting “God’s Peace” into your heart it will keep you all night long. Yes, you will have “peaceable and content sleep” all during the night but God’s Word will also fight against evil thoughts that may try to trouble your mind and heart during the night season. Therefore seek “God’s Peace” before bedtime and you can gather “God’s Peace” from His Word or you can gather “God’s Peace” from the Presence of God. We (ihlcc) have found whether meditating and confessing God’s Word brings (births) “peace” and singing God’s praises works just as wonderfully when seeking “God’s Peace”. Just remember, operating in “God’s Peace” is prior to “sweet sleep” so if you are not getting a good night sleep don’t blame insomnia or trouble from man but rather checkup on your “peace” level because you might find out there in lies the problem. “Peace” according to God’s Holy Written Word is the prerequisite to “sleep” and a good night’s “sleep” has proven to be the best thing you can do to start your day out right because you strongly consider your rest the night before. For they which do believe have entered into rest, so get your rest on by pursing “peace” before your good night “sleep” in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen!